Electro-less Plating
Electro-less Plating https://www.sharrettsplating.com/coatings/electroless-nickel In this blog, we will take a look to the Questions: ● What is Electroless Plating? ● What makes it different from Electro-Plating? ● What factors affect the Plating Quality? ● What are its Advantages and Disadvantages? ● What are the Applications Electro-less Plating: Electro-less Plating is a class of industrial chemical processes that create metal coating on various materials by autocatalytic chemical reduction of metal cations in liquid bath. It is also known as Chemical Plating or Autocatalytic Plating The story of Electro-less plating begins in 1946 at the 34th Annual AES Meeting, when Abner Brenner and Grace Riddell of the National ...